The day started just like any other day for Lisa. Then, the call came! It was ABC Company’s procurement officer telling her that he loved the RFP response, selected her as a finalist for their account and invited her firm to make a presentation to their leadership team.

She thanked the procurement officer a thousand times and rushed off the phone.

Lisa did the happy dance all the way down to her sales manager’s office and burst through the door. After an elated high-five, her sales manager asked her a few questions about the opportunity. “Uh oh! I forgot to ask about those things.” She better not cash the commission cheque just yet. There’s work to be done to best prepare a winning finalist presentation strategy.

Gear up for the final lap

The finalist stage is an exciting time, but top sellers don’t let exuberance knock them off their game. For your team to develop the winning finalist presentation strategy, you need to know answers to the six following questions:

  1. What did they see in the RFP response that led you to be selected as a finalist?
  2. What did they see in the competition’s RFP responses that they want you to address during your finalist presentation?
  3. Who from their team will be represented at the finalist presentation and what do they want you to be sure to cover?
  4. What other firms have been selected as finalists?
  5. What criteria will be used to score the finalists?
  6. What is the selection process following the finalist presentation?

Be prepared

For each of these six questions, there are several follow-on questions that needed to be asked based on the responses received. Will you always get answers to all of the questions? Of course you won’t. However, every information nugget you receive helps you develop your finalist strategy, select your team and craft your presentation.

During the conversation, be sure to also ask about logistics like:

  • Amount of time for the presentation
  • Who to ask for upon arriving at their office
  • Projector/Internet access (if needed).
